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At Bright Futures Learning Center we aim for excellence in meeting the needs of all our families! We know that along the way everyone is going to have some questions. Here are a few questions that we get asked often! If there are things that you are wondering about and you cannot find the answers here, please don’t hesitate to call us – Prairie Groves 701-478-3040 or Rocking Horse Farm – 701-532-1576. You can also email us at info@brightfuturesfargo.com

We are very proud of the fact that we are currently using NDELS (North Dakota Early Learning Standards) in conjunction with Reading and Math Corps Early Childhood Curriculum. We also have monthly social emotional directed themes that we follow. The children will work on individual goals along with learning how to develop positive social skills, good hygiene practices, and self-help skills among other things.

Bright Futures Learning Centers are open from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday. For the most part, we are only closed on public holidays, please refer to our parent handbook for specific dates.

We are honored to be an extension of each child’s family, recognizing that the family is the primary caregiver and source for all areas of development. We want Bright Futures to be a partner with your family and for children to feel excited and welcome to learn with us! We understand the importance of connecting with families and building upon a child’s home experiences. We also believe that connecting experiences at our center with the happenings in a child’s life helps build a deeper understanding and is how children learn best. We strive to provide the best care possible for your little one! It is our belief that as educators, are always learning, growing, modifying, and making improvements too!

  • At Bright Futures we follow the child-to-teacher licensing requirements which work off an age weighted scale.
  • Ratio breaks down to be infant- two years old is 1 teacher to 4 children. After the age of eighteen months, the ratio changes to 1 teacher to 5 children.
  • At the age of three years old, the ratio increases to 1 teacher to 7 children.
  • At the age of four years old, the ratio increases to 1 teacher to 10 children.
  • At the age of five years old, the ratio increases to 1 teacher to 12 children and so on. We often use these weighted ratios to benefit the learners in the classroom setting and move children up when they are ready, as opposed to chronological age.

Everyone in contact with children are CPR and first aid certified in both locations.

The answer to both of these is YES! At Bright Futures Learning Centers we are here for both the children and families and would love to have you as a part of the children’s learning. We strive to have many events during the year that we want you to come to and be a part of our family oriented atmosphere! Look for our Week of the Young Child Celebration, monthly parties, field trips, and other fun events!

Yes! Bright Futures is a breastfeeding friendly child care provider. We do ask that you communicate with the teachers when you are planning on coming so we can make sure that your child is ready for you!

Each room works off a cleaning checklist to ensure that all the toys, furnishings, and anything that children are interacting with are getting sanitized daily. We want to assure you that each room is disinfected nightly and ready for a fresh start each day.

Children who are ill with a contagious disease or fever over 101 degrees may not attend the program for a minimum of 24 hours fever free and without the use of fever reducing medication. If a child becomes ill while at the center, a parent will be notified and need to pick up their child within one hour of notification. State licensing regulations prohibit the center from caring for even a mildly ill child. Teaching staff observe each child daily as they enter the classroom for any signs of illness or contagious disease. Please refer to our parent handbook for additional resources.

Click on document "What to bring for first day – Infants” and "What to bring for first day – preschool”

We utilize an online platform called Brightwheel that records each child’s daily activities and learning goals; this also includes assessments, observations, and much more. We also want to connect with parents each day face to face to talk about questions or concerns. There will be two opportunities to sit down with our teachers throughout the year for a conference (face to face or Zoom) to talk about the progress being made with your child’s learning goals and ways that we can all support your family. Communication is vital!

The entry doors are locked for the safety of the children and our staff. In order to gain access, Bright Futures issues a key card to guardians and parents. In addition, we have a closed circuit camera recording system, which parents have the opportunity to watch in the center of the building. We also have regular drills to help keep our teachers and students on the ball with emergency situations, not limited to include fire, tornado, missing child, and lockdown.

We find that all children really enjoy going outside year-round. We take all the children out when the weather permits. The infants will go on walks and get to experience their own fenced in grass space when the weather is warm/ cool enough. Children aged 1 year and older will go outside twice a day, have opportunities to learn to conduct hand-on learning and nature experiences, play on our play spaces, or go for walks.